Saturday, 2 March 2013

Signs of life in 2013

Well I haven't posted yet in 2013 so let me just change that sad state of affairs. It's been a very quick couple of months and already we are in March. On the music front there's been a whole bunch of great albums released. I've tried to be a bit stricter in my allocation of what I consider great and just good albums this year. There are a lot of good albums released that I praise a little too much but in the end they are just good albums and not great ones so this year I am going to try and be a bit tighter in my praise and pick only albums which really excite me. So here is my list as it stands:

Athelstan - The Ride
Derdian - Limbo
Eclipse Prophecy - Days Of Judgement
Edge - Heaven Knows
Enforcer - Death By Fire
Envinya - Inner Silence
Giant X - I
Hatriot - Heroes Of Origin
Helloween - Straight Out Of Hell
Incarnator - Caeca Superstitio
Jorn - Symphonic
Lancer - st
Oblivion - Called To Rise
Sorcery - Arrival At Six
Stratovarius - Nemesis
Suffocation - Pinnacle of Bedlam
Tainted Nation - F.E.A.R.
Vandroya - One
Heavatar - Opus I - All My Kingdom
MindMaze - Mask Of Lie
The Prowlers - Point of No Return
Voodoo Circle - More Than One Way Home
W.E.T. - Rise Up

The top 5 out of these in no particular order is Helloween, Stratovarius, Tainted Nation, W.E.T. and Voodoo Circle. All of them are amazing in my book and the one that surprised me most was Stratovarius which is simply a stunning album.

On the gigging front, I've been very slow to move. There have been a couple of gigs I could have seen if I could be arsed but there you go I'm old and tired. I missed Threshold last night which I was a bit silly to do so but there you go. I'm sure I will see a gig sooner or later but it looks like 2013 will have one of the lowest gig counts ever for me. I saw that Carcass are playing three nights in a row at the Underworld and they are all already sold out. Damn!