First time seeing the Tyketto boys and front man Danny Vaughan in particular, so I was looking forward to see how he sang and how they sounded live. Danny lives in the UK now so a couple of the members are English guys I believe whilst the old drummer remains. For a Tuesday night and for a band with such a low profile I must admit I was highly surprised to see the attendance pushing past 300. I'm sure the Danny and the guys were pretty stoked with the turn out. A lot of melodic rock gigs in recent times have barely made three figures but it seems that Danny and co have a lot of older fans who are more than happy to attend the gigs for old times sake.
We had one support band to get through first by the name of Bad Touch. These guys were actually pretty good with a really nice bluesy singer. They played a sort of 70s groove and funk rock with a heavy accent on licks from the guitarist and songs that were pretty catchy and memorable. Most of the crowd seemed to enjoy them as well and they definitely didn't go down like the proverbial lead balloon as some bands seem to at melodic rock gigs at the Underworld.
So at around 9pm or so Danny and his merry men took their positions to a full packed floor and very little space on the balcony either. A lot of women in attendance as well, I guess Danny himself is something to do with that. For a 54 year old that guy can sure bounce around the stage like a man half his age. To top it all off he doesn't miss a note. He's also a very engaging front man and talks quite for a good while to the audience about the old days and whatever subject is close to his heart regarding the next song to be played or music in general and how much he appreciates the fans. Like I said with a turnout like this in mid week Danny must've been over the moon. I must admit I am not a huge Tyketto fan but their Don't Come Easy has some corking tunes and guitar playing as well.
It is actually coming up to the 25th anniversary of that album as Danny explained from the stage and it is nigh on time for a re-release and one would be forthcoming next year. The disk sells for something ridiculous on ebay so it was time to address that as Danny explained.
The band played a couple of numbers from Danny's solo disk as well with Danny himself on an electric acoustic guitar which was pretty cool. I must admit I was totally taken aback by how many people were actually singing a long and dancing to all the tunes. I really didn't think Tyketto would create such fervour and adulation at this late stage. Mind you this is the UK so I don't know if they took thisback to the states how many people would care enough.
The band was on top form and being only a one guitar band didn't hurt them much either. The guitarist was very good and played some tasty riffs and licks like the ones in Strength in Numbers and my own particular fave Tyketto track Wings which was sung heartily by near enough all in the crowd.
Danny's vocals were spot on all night and never wavered once. The guy is still a whirling dervish of a front man who really gives it his all. The night of course ends with Tyketto's number one song Forever Young and another cool gig comes to a heady end. Tyketto maybe yesterday's men but Danny can still rock as hard as anyone out there in the melodic rock field make no mistake and Danny promised that they are working on a new album. Let's hope they make it a classic Tyketto record 'cos live they need no lessons on how to deliver what the fans want that's for sure.
Love to Love
Burning Down Inside
Rescue Me
Meet Me in the Night
(Vaughn cover)
Dig in Deep
Lay Your Body Down
Let It Go
Write Your Name in the Sky
Sound Off
Strength in Numbers
Catch My Fall
Standing Alone
The Last Sunset
Forever Young