Tuesday, 12 December 2017

3 more gigs

Too sick and tired for detailed reviews. But the gigging year is coming to a hectic end as I finally break my record of 42 gigs and will ultimately reach 44 for 2017.

Saw Kobra and The Lotus last Sunday. Kobra is always great. Third time seeing her and the band. Thumbs up young lady

Next gig I saw was one from the leftfield for me. Creeper is a band going places but it's not really my thing but the gig was immense even if the supports were all dire and we had to wait ages for the main act. Creeper will be even huger than they are now. This venue was rammed to the rafters and everyone was in love with the band including a hell of a lot of girls.

To complete the trio I saw Mastodon for the very first and probably last time. I love them on record but the live experience was a bit meh. They sound good but not as great as the records IMO. The drummer is great whatever way you look at it though.

Final 3 gigs of the year left over this week and next before I breathe a huge sigh of relief. No gig till Jan 27 next year. Sick as a dog with a wretched cold that has plagued me for weeks and these late nights are no bloody help either! :-)

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